Spain, one of the favourite tourist detination among Expats

Spain, one of the favourite tourist detination among Expats

  Food, weathere and lifestyle, make Spain the third best destination in the world for expatriate

That’s the result of ‘Expat Explorer Survey’, a survey conducted by the British bank HSBC, that places Spain as the third best country in the world to emigrate, and, despite the economic uncertainty that was experienced last year, this study confirms that our country is a good destination to start a new life.


As revealed by the study by the British bank, Spain has a very easy going lifestyle, helped in large part by its excellent climate, a factor highly valued by people who leave their country and especially for those who are retired.


This ranking confirms other information of general interest about Spain as a destination for expatriate. For example, 32% of expatriates in Spain are retirees. By contrast, in other countries included in this ranking, the percentage retired expatriate population that is only 9%.


The most negative aspect that this study confirms that the economic crisis has left a bad taste to many of the expatriates are in Spain. Thus, 39% think that the country is on the wrong path, and another 58% believe that Spain is becoming an inappropriate destination to live and work.


However, the reason that Spain ranks third in this ranking is that 92% of expatriates who say that do not like the crisis in Spain, none of them plan to leave this country.


And according to the opinion of the respondents, Spain offers greater opportunities for outdoor activities and leisure, and this feature plays an important role that expatriates who are putting down roots here, do not want to leave our country.


Furthermore, this study confirms that 37% of expatriates in Spain are more active in sports compared to the average expatriates anywhere else in the world.


The Spanish daily cuisine is another factor rated by expats based in Spain. The 77% of  expatriates confesses that their diet has improved since arriving in Spain.


This ranking of HSBC reveals that there are other countries, as well as Spain, highly regarded for its expatriates such as the Cayman Islands, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.