Working with local and regional organisations
Working with local and regional organisations on initiatives designed to further social development.
Facing the exceptional situation, the Pandemic caused by COVID-19, Grupo VAPF, together with other companies and from the public dedicated to our region, the Marina Alta, has collaborated with FundacióDeniato buy a Robot that allows PCR tests to be carried out on a large scale (1.000 daily tests).
This diagnostic analyser has been donated to the Hospital Marina Salud in Denia, which places the hospital in a favourable situation if there should be an increase in the people infected.
Carrying out extensive reliable Tests on the population is essential to be able to control and contain the virus.
The test lets you know, in just a short period of time, if people with symptoms are carriers of the virus, and can therefore infect others.
Thanks to the donation of the Diagnostic analyser CFX96 Deep Well DX System, PCR tests can be carried out on the most vulnerable population or those more exposed to the virus, like elderly people´s homes, health staff, local and national police,…
At a later stage, this same study can be carried out on the asymptomatic populations, which would enable the authorities to adopt more effective measures against the Pandemic.
ODS 3: Health and well-being
ODS 17: Partnerships to achieve our aims